The impact of the general election on the value of the pound

Webinar hosted by Currencies Direct

The UK’s general election in May 2015 will be one of the most interesting of recent times. Investors will sell Sterling and push the price down if they are uncertain about the political and economic future of the UK. The more possibilities and the more unknowns that there are, the lower the rate may go and the higher the risk of volatility on Sterling related currency pairs. Currencies Direct will be looking at what this means for UK businesses and what strategies and tools are available to assist you with mitigating risk during market uncertainty. 

Christopher Partridge, Senior Currency Consultant at Currencies Direct will be hosting the webinar and answer any questions you might have towards the end of the session.

 UK Election 2015 and its impact on Sterling

•         How will the outcome move Sterling
•         The effects of election on international trade
•         Tools and strategies to manage FX market volatility

Hosted by: Christopher Partridge, Currencies Direct
When: Wednesday 29th April 2015 at 11:30am GMT Summer Time (London, GMT+01:00)
Duration: 20 minutes plus Q&A
Event number: 959 842 304
Event password: Volatility

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